Gallery 15mm Plywood Components 21mm Plywood Components Screenshot of the numbering in progress 6mm parts with the numbering visible Setting up of the CNC Router Ellipsoidal beauty 1 Ellipsoidal beauty Cradle Ellipsoidal beauty 5 Ellipsoidal beauty 2 Ellipsoidal beauty 4 Ellipsoidal beauty 3 Ellipsoidal beauty 6 Elevator Bellcrank and Cam 1 Elevator Bellcrank and Cam 2 Elevator Bellcrank and Cam 3 Elevator Bellcrank and Cam 4 Stick Neutral Stick Forward Stick Back Elevator Bellcrank and Cam 5 Rudder design update with Force Feedback View of wheels, paddles, bungee and actuator Side view relative to frames Rear view relative to frames Rudder sensor installation Close-up of the rudder sensor installation Ghosted image of the gear indicator mechanism The gear indicator mechanism in place New Rudder Trim Base Rear of Rudder Trim Rudder Trim Knob Geared mechanism Section of new elevator trim Elevator trim spiral, follower and spur gear Elevator trim sensor Elevator trim assembly Port Controls Flight Controls Redesigned Spade Grip Linear Hall Effect Sensor for Brake Linkage system for Engine Hand Control Carburettor Air Filter Control Slipper tank fitted to Spitfire Chassis Control Progress Full assembly with dimming screen Gunsight fitted to panel Prototype Throttle overlain on an original drawing Throttle Handle assembled Throttle Handle threads The HFS Crackle Painted Spade Grip Share this:Facebook