We are pleased to announce that the Heritage Flight Simulation shop is now open for business.
As an introductory, once off special celebrating this event we are offering the complete plan set for the Spitfire Mk.IX Presentation Engine Hand Control at a sale price of USD55.00
This is $15.00 below the regular price of $70.00 which will come into effect on 14 May 2018.
The plan set comprises a 31MB download of the Build Guide and all relevant drawings and cutting patterns. Please note Conditions of Purchase.
This display model covers the full ambit of information to be provided for the complete build, amongst others:
- Cutting patterns for plywood and aluminium (Waterjet or Lasercut) (7 off GA’s and 8 .DXF files)
- Assembly drawings (2 Off)
- Bend Diagrams (14 Off)
- Engraving Templates (3 Off)
- Machine drawings (1 Off)
- General Arrangement Drawings (5 Off)
- Powder coating guideline (1 Off)
- Parts list with various summaries
- Step by step instructions including explanatory assembly graphics in a 74 page Builders Guide.
All of these are included in your purchase pack.
All the necessary 3D printed components can also be ordered using the shop links to our Shapeways site.